What can fit in a 20ft Storage Container

Farmacie lo troverai qui estere specializzate nella vendita di farmaci contro l'impotenza (Cialis e Viagra su tutti) o contro il dolore e la depressione: ma a volte i pacchi si fermano alla dogana e i malcapitati acquirenti ricevono un avviso che minaccia un procedimento penale: che possibilità si ha di essere incriminati ed essere condannati?

Almost everything under the sun – here is just a small sample from a very long list…
Cards, cars, motor parts, motorbikes, lawnmowers, shelving, packaging materials, TVs, electrical goods, building materials, retail items, canned goods, dry foodstuffs, fireworks, furniture, carpets, paintings, paint, lighting, computers, clothing, animal feed, bottled water, mobile phones, shoes, furniture, ceramics, aggregates, gas testing pipes, biscuits, tea, sweets.

The most common size of container is 20` (6m) and this will hold 33 cubic meters or roughly a 3 to 4 bedroom house.

Sizes are: (Length x Height x Width)

10` x 8`6“ x 8` – 3m x 2.6m x 2.4m

20` x 8`6“ x 8` –  6m x 2.6m x 2.4m

40` x 8`6“ x 8` – 12m x 2.6m x 2.4m

These full size 20 ft shipping containers can be used for storage of all  goods, documents, Motor Vehicles, Cars, Motor Bikes, Furniture, and can also provide independent secure sub-storage within warehouses and factories, for expensive items.